Patrick Dunae

Patrick Dunae

Academic Emeritus

Phone: 250-380-1633; 250-881-3755 (mobile)


BA (Victoria), Ph. D (Manchester)
Specialization: British Columbia, Education, Historical Geographical Information Systems [GIS], Public History
Editor: The Homeroom. British Columbia's History of Education Website
Project director: The Vancouver Island History Website

I joined the History Department at Vancouver Island University (VIU) in 1990 and taught introductory courses in British and Canadian history. I developed upper level courses on 19th & 20th century British Columbia, Public History, and the History of Education and Childhood in Canada.

I retired from my teaching post in 2009 but retained an affiliation with the History Department as an Honorary Research Associate and (since 2015) as Academic (Professor) Emeritus.

I'm an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of History at the University of Victoria. I'm a director and past president of the Friends of the British Columbia Archives Society. Currently, I am the president of the Vancouver Island Local History Society, a non-profit organization that operates Point Ellice House Museum and Gardens on behalf of the provincial Heritage Branch in Victoria, BC. Point Ellice House is a municipal, provincial and national Historic Site.

I am also the principal of Clio Media, a business devoted to historical research, communications, and consulting.

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