Dominion Provincial Youth Training Centre


If you would like to contribute a photograph, newspaper or magazine article, historical document or other information related to the history, evolution and people of Vancouver Island University, please use the form provided below. You may also use this form to comment on an existing photograph, document or other information already posted on this site

Please enter your first and last names, email address and phone number. This information will be kept confidential and will only be used by a VIU History Project Coordinator to contact you if additional details are required regarding your submission. Please indicate whether you would prefer to be contacted by email or telephone.

Other pieces of information that would help us with this project are the original source of the photo or document, names of any people in a submitted photograph, if you know them, date or time period to which the item relates and whether the submission should should be credited to any individuals, businesses or other organizations. If you're commenting on an existing photograph, article or document already posted on this site, please use the other comments box to provide us with a description of the page and photo/article/document you're referring to, then add any other comments not covered by the fields provided on this page.

If you have a large number of items to submit or are unable to upload one or more items using this form, please select the checkbox at the bottom of this form that indicates you would like to be contacted to arrange for a coordinator to pick-up your submission(s). Finally, before submitting this form, please select the checkbox at the bottom that gives us permission to share your contribution on the VIU History website.

First name:  *
Last name:  *
Email address:  *
Phone number:  *
If need be, I would prefer that you contact me by:   email
Type of file:

If you select "other", please enter a single word that best describes the type of file in the box that will appear to the right.


Source of file: 
Names of people in photo: 
Date or period of origin: 
Other comments: 
Credit - This image/article/document is courtesy of:
Select a file to upload: 
Rather than upload a file, please have a VIU History Project Coordinator contact me to arrange to pick up the photo/document.  
I give my permission to VIU to post this photo/article/document, in part, or in whole, on the VIU Retrospective website.   *