VIU Scenery

Tuition and Fees

Per VIU Policy 33.14 - Tuition and Other Mandatory Fees, the Board of Governors of Vancouver Island University is empowered by Section 27(2)(m) of the University Act of British Columbia with the responsibility to set, determine and collect all tuition fees, including those subject to the Ministry of Advanced Education's Tuition Limit Policy.

Tuition and Fee Schedule

The Tuition Fee Approval Process is comprised of two approval streams:

  1. Standard Tuition and
  2. Cost-Recovery Tuition. Each approval stream consists of a series of steps which are laid out below.

Standard Tuition

The approval and publication of standard tuition is the responsibility of the Board of Governors.

Non-Standard/Cost-Recovery Tuition and Fees

Responsibility for the establishment and publication of tuition and fees that are wholly or partially cost-recovery in nature, and are subject to regular fluctuation due to inflationary costs, have been delegated by the Board to the President. Once a non-standard or cost-recovery tuition or fee has been approved it is subject to any subsequent fee increase approved by the Board. To initiate approval of a Non-Standard or Cost-Recovery Tuition or Fee, please complete the  Non-Standard/Cost-Recovery Tuition and/or Fee Approval Form and contact the Administrative Coordinator.

Further Information

Board of Governors 
Office of the University Secretariat
Phone: 250-740-6198