
This website was designed by the Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Office. The Advisor wishes to acknowledge and recognize:

  • Heather Stadel, Director of Human Resources at Vancouver Island University for her support and feedback;
  • Joseph Ravick for his focus when training and facilitating on the harmful impact of unexamined APE’s (assumptions, perceptions and expectations) and the need to be hard on the problem, not the other person; his perspective helped shape what information was included in the site;
  • Donna Soules, for sharing her handout on “Handling Criticism”, which was adapted for this site;
  • Eainin Hannon, Research Assistant on this project and former student at Vancouver Island University for the initial research that underpins this site; and
  • Michael Carpenter in Media Relations for his work on the look and feel of the site.

  1. An excerpt from the University of California, San Diego website on Conflict Resolution
  2. This entire section has been adapted from Conflict Resolution for Student Employment Issues, Student Employment, Evergreen State College
  3. Why do we avoid dealing with conflict?, Conflict Resolution, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Office of Human Resources Development
  4. This entire section has been adapted from Why do we avoid dealing with conflict?, Conflict Resolution, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Office of Human resources Development
  5. Thomas/Killman, 1972 with further descriptions, analysis and elaboration by others over the years. The description and chart used here are adapted from commonly used handouts, by many people, in conflict resolution training, actual originators unknown.
  6. College Relationships: Improve Your Communication Skills, by Geri Forsberg, PhD
  7. This section on Active Listening has been adapted from Communication Skills For Managing Differences and Resolving Conflict by Vivian Neal
  8. Is It Good To “Let It All Hang Out?, Controlling Anger – Before It Controls You
  9. Controlling Anger – Before It Controls You
  10. Anger Management, A “How-To” Guide, McCrary, Robert John, PhD.
  11. The entire section on The Anger Arousal Cycle is quoted from Understanding Anger, Karen Smith
  12. Fair Fighting: Step by Step, Fighting Fair to Resolve Conflict
  13. Anger Management, A “How-To” Guide, McCrary, Robert John, PhD.
  14. These tips are provided with the permission of Donna Soules, Mediator, and are taken (with slight adaptations) from a training manual she prepared.
  15. Concise Oxford Dictionary, 10th Edition, Pearsall, J., Editor, Oxford University press, 1999
  16. Concise Oxford Dictionary, 10th Edition, Pearsall, J., Editor, Oxford University press, 1999
  17. Concise Oxford Dictionary, 10th Edition, Pearsall, J., Editor, Oxford University press, 1999