Student Demand Resources

Reference Sites for Identifying Student Demand and New Program Trends

When developing a new program the following information may be useful in addressing questions related to estimated student demand and employment and education opportunities for graduates. Also see our Labour Market Resource for online resources on the regional and provincial labour market.

  1. Looking for trends in provincial program headcounts, credentials awarded, or student mobility for a specific program or discipline? Please contact Program Planning from the Office of University Planning and Analysis.

  2. Post-secondary Student Information System provided by StatsCan.

  3. BC Student Outcomes Annual Surveys Dashboard. Provides employment and educational outcomes by an institution and program area.

  4. Education Planner – an online searchable database of all (undergraduate) programs offered at BC public post-secondary institutions. This website also provides information pertaining to admissions criteria, tuition, and a link to occupations and outcomes on the WorkBC website.

  5. Projection Report for BC Public School Headcount Enrolments - Projections are based on current year enrolment projected forward using Provincial Population Projections.

  6. 2011 National Household Survey

    by Stats Canada

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